Albrecht Ansohn Konflikt- und Strategieberater


Influencing one’s own life and living conditions is a fundamental human need. A lack of scope for creativity makes people sick or radicalizes them. I’ve often experienced that – especially in crisis regions.

In Germany and abroad I am currently consulting with teams that work together with refugees in camps or large accommodations. Participating in one’s one living circumstances empowers individuals and benefits the society around them – often confirmed by observation and evidence.


Disagreements are an important driver for positive changes. They show issues that need to be addressed. There are often legitimate and understandable concerns behind superficially aggressive statements.

How difficulties relating to shelters and to integrating refugees can be opportunities for cohesion and participation – that’s what I’m currently working on with municipalities in Germany. Inquiring about the real concerns behind the problems facilitates the necessary trust. Only when someone is taken seriously do they open up for dialogue.